Some paintings have been damaged by
water or started to crack due to age.
Now you need to restore these paintings.
Play Game
Some paintings have been damaged by water or started to crack due to aging of the painting.Now it's up to the player to restore these damages and become junior conservator/restorer working for your museum. The player will explore the original painting that gets damaged using AR technology – and must restore the painting piece by piece by looking at the original painting hanging on the wall.
Educational Purpose
Paintings can be damaged in different ways because of different circumstances. Whilst any painting damage is not desirable, a lot of it can be restored. In this game we focus on two main areas of damage and visualize them using AR technology – and let them become Junior conservators/restorers.
When the artwork is damaged by water, the paint can lift and come off due to saturation. The water itself can also leave marks where it came into contact with the painting and these are known as tide lines. Cracquelure is when fine cracks occur in the painting’s varnish. This is mostly due to the ageing of the painting. Your painting will look like it has a tiled mosaic effect.Here you can also chose to educate them about the difference between restoration and conservation.
Target Groups
School groups